vegân homemâde cosmic brownies
- *for the brownies*
- 2 tbsp ground flâxseed + 6 tbsp wârm wâter
- 1 cup white sugâr
- ⅓ cup unsweetened cocoâ powder
- 1 cup âll-purpose flour
- ¼ teâspoon sâlt
- ¼ teâspoon bâking powder
- ½ cup melted vegân butter
- 1 tsp vânillâ
- *for the glâze*
- ¼ cup vegân chocolâte chips
- 2 tbsp nondâiry milk (more or less âs needed)
- râinbow chip sprinkles, for topping
- Preheât the oven to 350F.
- In â smâll bowl, combine the ground flâxseed ând wâter ând mix to combine. Set âside to thicken.
- In â lârge bowl, whisk together the sugâr, cocoâ powder, flour, sâlt, ând bâking powder.
- Âdd in the melted butter, vânillâ, ând thickened flâxseed mixture. Mix until brownie bâtter comes together - it will be thick!
- Line ân 8x8 bâking dish with pârchment (VERY importânt, âs these brownies like to stick!), ând pour in the prepâred brownie mix.
- Smooth out with â spâtulâ, ând bâke for 35 minutes, until brownie âppeârs dry on top, ând â toothpick inserted in the center comes out with just â few crumbs.
- Let brownie cool to room temperâture, then mâke the glâze. Combine the vegân chocolâte chips ând milk in â microwâve sâfe bowl, ând heât in 15 second increments until smooth ând creâmy. You mây hâve to âdd â little more milk if it's too thick. It should be eâsy to pour!
- Pour chocolâte glâze âll over the brownie, ând sprinkle the râinbow chip sprinkles on top.
- Plâce cosmic brownies in the fridge to help the glâze set. Âfter it hâs solidified, you cân store brownies ât room temperâture or in the fridge for â fudgier texture (my fâv!).
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